
Greetings, aspiring authors, literary rebels, and those who refuse to let their ideas collect dust in forgotten notebooks! At Amaranth Publications, we’re not your average indie publishing shop; we’re the guerrilla warriors of the literary world, making stories not only memorable but downright unforgettable.

Why conform when you can disrupt?

New Spring Releases

Dear Johanna Ebook Cover

The Stack


Mottled sunlight filters in from dusty windows, casting uneven yellow pillars across innumerable volumes. Shelves stand in solemn rows, their gills packed with tales of love, fortune, intrigue, and more. A lone book compels you to draw it tentatively from a tall pile in a lonely  corner. The others groan as they drop to fill the space left by their chosen companion.


You settle into a cozy chair, relishing the crack of mutual spines and begin to fill your mind with visions of another world…


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